We are now at the "More Than a Week National Youth Gathering" in Estes Park, Colorado. The 3 oldest Hubbards came a few days early because we are leaders. The 3 youngest join us in a few days.
I am staying in this cabin with 3 other ladies. We are all in different housing except for Doug and Matthew. This is the sign in the dining room each day - it's SO nice to enjoy 3 meals a day with no shopping, cooking or cleaning! = - )
We celebrated the 232nd birthday of the USA with a very small parade here at the YMCA.

It was a very short parade and the weather was perfect.

This cute fluffy dog sat next to us and watched the parade, too.

A bunch of us adult leaders (and a monkey) went to Rocky Mountain National Park for the afternoon.

It was beautiful and our monkey friend enjoyed the view, too.

This monkey is the adult team mascot for the week and our goal is to take creative pictures of him during the conference.
Our goal was to drive up to Trail Ridge and get a picture of the monkey at the sign.

Along the way, we saw several marmots (eating and sleeping).
Wild flowers and a mother deer feeding her twins (can't see the second fawn).
That evening we had a commissioning service for the peer leaders (David is a peer leader) and his group took time to pray together.
Then all the peer leaders gathered together for prayer and worship.