March 18, 2008

Our Week In Pictures

Doug and his parents went to Deal or No Deal back in December and it was on tv last night - that's them on the top row (Doug is missing his head) and then a blurry close up of Chuck and Arlene.
Another tv update - guess where Jennifer and Kathy will be tonight!? Yep, we have tickets to tonights show (Jennifer screamed like crazy when she saw the email!!!)
Angelica ran the mile at last weeks track meet.
Her time was 6 minutes and 3 seconds! = - )
It hailed at our house on Saturday!
Hail doesn't happen that often in the LA area so it was exciting around our house for a few minutes. = - )
David went to Sadie Hawkins with his date - they were gingerbread men ( the dance was a fairy tale theme). Warning - post below is gross....
Sorry, this is gross, but some of you will enjoy this. Remember the "slammed in the door" finger injury that David received last month? Well, yesterday the rotten fingernail finally came off and it was GROSS!
Here is the final picture and a little souvenir. David had a great time at school yesterday grossing out all his friends. = - )