Biennial Memories
We just hosted the biennial meeting of American Baptist Churches USA in Pasadena at the Convention Center.
Doug was in charge of the youth program (and MANY other things). Our 3 teenagers enjoyed seeing old friends from the past biennials.
It is very fun to reconnect every 2 years in a different state.
Since we hosted this year I worked the meal ticket booth.
But we also had time to reconnect with friends and attend worship celebrations. Chuck and Arlene were official delegates and voted on important issues.
Matthew and his new biennial friends attended their own children's camp - Doug helped organize it too.
The special youth speaker was Nick Vujicic from Australia. He shared an awesome and inspiring testimony!
Of course we visited the exhibit hall and enjoyed the special performances.
Matthew even had some time to go ice skating (the rink is right next to the Convention Center).
The final evening of worship was at 1st Baptist Pasadena. It was another wonderful Biennial and we look forward to Puerto Rico in 2011. = - )