December 21, 2008

Christmas Sunday 2008

It was a beautiful Christmas Sunday service today at church.

We had a time of prayer for Willy and family who will be moving on to a new ministry - blessings!

Then it was time for our Sunday School Christmas Program. This year, Club 56, performed, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and Matthew was Charlie. Enjoy the show!

After the performance all the Sunday School kids sang, "Joy to the World" and Evan showed everyone his tummy! = - )

Pastor Jason prayed and I congratulated Matthew on a job well done.

Time for a cast photo and then all the kids sang in the 2nd service.

A view of the snowy mountains from the church parking lot and a tiny piece of rainbow in the sky above our house on Christmas Sunday. = - )

Here's a close up. Matthew (aka Charlie) also rescued Tigger from the roof when we arrived home. You're a good guy, Charlie Brown!

Then he went across the street to take a picture with Snoopy. = - )